Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Children with high feve

Rule no 1: Don't be panic

Rule no 2: Treat fever with syrup paracetmol 15mg/kg/dose

Rule no 3: If within one hour fever still spiking, >38oC, I would recommend voren suppository according to body weight.

Cataflam oral drops (weight /4) drops 6 – 8 hourly is equally effective,

Rule no 4: Tepid sponging using towel and cold water.
Wear thin shirts (not long sleeves).

In the event if the first antibiotics is not working, for example, rocephin (50mg/kg/dose), and it had been used for 2 days, the child still having fever, do consider possibility of resistance, (beta lactamases inhibitor ).

I would recommend switching to IV sulperazone or iv Tienam.

1 comment:

Finding Me said...

Hey Doc.. you can make the degree symbol by holding down Alt then type 248 then let go.... 38oC will become 38°C

I think this is helpful for you docs when blogging