Thursday, November 24, 2005

sexy pink blooming


Prevenar is a new streptococcal pneumoniae vaccine, which is indicated in children.

It contained 7 serotypes of pneumococcal antigens.

It cost about RM350 per dose.

I would advice all children to go for this vaccination.


Every time you experience joy, there is one less person feeling pain. Each time you spread joy to another, the positive power of that joy begins to multiply.

Baby experience joy when they are pampered, love and being cared for. Adult also had similar feeling.

To be truly joyful is not a self-centered pursuit. It is one of the most generous things you can do.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

handphone missing?

I saw somewhere from internet

press *#06# to retrieve IMEI from any handphone, write it down in a place.

in the event it got lost.
report to the mobile service provider. then the phone cannot be used anymore.
whoever stole it can't sell it or use it.


anyone tried this method?? Does it really work??

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

dealing with difficult patient

• Be curious; ask why they are angry as this may have a therapeutic effect.
• Don’t be defensive and engage in a power struggle.
• Listen carefully; this alone may defuse the patient’s anger.
• Use active-listening techniques — repetition, summary, validation, and empathetic statements. When physicians are uncomfortable interacting with a patient, a barrier to effective communication exists. “Being aware of the tension, identifying the barrier, and acknowledging with the patient that there is difficulty in the relationship are important steps in re-establishing understanding between a patient and clinician.”
In Anger Management Techniques, J. Alfonso describes visceral responses that may defuse a heated encounter with a patient.
• Maintain slow and steady breathing.
• Monitor the pace and tone of your voice. Speak slowly and calmly.
• Maintain open body language as a nonverbal sign of listening. Also, avoid standing with your hands on your hips, in your pockets, or arms crossed as this body language connotes a defensive reaction.
What if the source of the anger legitimately rests within your practice? A patient who experienced difficulty in scheduling an appointment, a long waiting time, or unresponsive staff members will very likely direct anger toward the physician. Use the techniques listed above. Get specifics and give the patient assurance that the matter will be acted on and resolved. Don’t avoid the angry or dissatisfied patient. Being an advocate for your patients will enhance your effectiveness. “As difficult as it may be, the more you talk with and listen to an angry patient, the more likely you are to avoid converting an incident into a claim.”
Another model for dealing effectively with critical and angry patients triggered by events in your practice suggests the following:
1. Make a disarming statement, e.g. “You are right. You did have to wait today.” This is nondefensive and validates some of what the patient is saying.
2. Make an empathic statement, e.g. “Your time is important and it is frustrating when you have to wait.” This reflects putting yourself in the patient’s position and understanding his or her needs.
3. Make an inquiry, e.g. “What can we do to resolve this problem today?” This demonstrates your shared relationship and interest in the patient and may move the exchange to a productive solution.

一 朵 雲

一 朵 雲 輕 輕 飄 過 , 有 人 放 聲 歌 唱 , 有 人 憂 傷 落 淚 。

our prime minister wife had passed away.

Life is uncertain.

but it has to go on.

Cheer up in this depressed moment.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Cup or Water - A Simple Life Philosophy

Something simple, yet so many of us forget this everyday: Cup or Water?

A group of working adults got together to visit their University lecturer. The Lecturer was happy to see them. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. The Lecturer just smiled and went to the kitchen to get an assortment of cups - some porcelain, some in plastic, some in glass, some plain looking and some looked rather expensive and exquisite. The Lecturer offered his former students the cups to get drinks for themselves. When all the students had a cup in hand with water, the Lecturer spoke: "If you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all you wanted was water, not the cup, but we unconsciously went for the better cups." "Just like in life, if Life is Water, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold/maintain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change." "If we only concentrate on the cup, we won't have time to enjoy the water in it."







五 、觀山水。青山綠水,鶯歌燕舞,會將你置於美好的情境中,心情便會被“快活化”。

六 、洗淋浴。浴池中的淋浴,能產生一種安神的活性分子,不快時,不妨洗洗淋浴,會一身輕鬆。

Saturday, September 03, 2005

sunken eyes with a fever cool patch on forehead

my red rose blooming

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Thursday, August 18, 2005

my lotus flower is blooming soon

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

oral ulcers in HFM

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

sony w800

rashes in HFM disease

cafe au lait spot in NF1

O2 modem drivers

post a enquiry to and ask for drivers problem

they responded promptly and email me the drivers.

Thanks O2 website for their cooperation.


Monday, August 08, 2005


New gadgets O2 XDA IIi has finally arrived. I have awaited patiently over last few days for its arrival. it cost me RM3500. and the casing was superb.

It is a windows CE system. with Handphone function. Well, windows based programe is very familiar with deskstop.

One thing to highlight that Malaysian O2 version doesn't come with a O2 application CD which contain drivers for wireless modem. I am still in the process of figuring out how to connect to my notebook wirelessly using GPRS.

Any help offer??

O2 XDA IIi my new smartphone


Thursday, August 04, 2005

neonatal chicken pox

herpes simplex type 1

pleural effusion a child

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

5 series at seaside

black 3 series

bmw 3 series in gray

Saturday, July 16, 2005

beautiful flower

rear view of 3 series

6 series in black

interior of 3 series

side mirror for 3 seirs

bixenon headlamp for 3 series

5 series in titanium silver

Thursday, June 30, 2005


well, got my new car eventually.
It is a new model. superb and sleek in every direction. Got to look it long enough to have that kind of sensation.

i just found out the bmw 320i doesn't have a bluetooth telephone receiver. The button in the sterring wheel is a dummy!!!

Hope you guys would love it.

Patient's load are still heavy. Lots of parents to attend to.

Good luck.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Sunday, June 12, 2005

variety of flower

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Friday, June 10, 2005

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

black swan with flowers

narrow passage

pyramid with light effect

bmw 3

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


mr incredible = is there such a guy in real life

2 carnation with a love

flower in love shape

BMW 3 series in tinatium silver

Monday, June 06, 2005

bunga kertas

roses from patient

Friday, June 03, 2005

hotspot@hotme package

by having another internet connection mean you will go online more often than usual. as you pay for the service, and you tend to use it more. Otherwise it will be a waster of money.

the package i am taking is RM88 per month. unlimited access

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


today i got my streamyx hotspot@home package install at my house.

i tried out out whereby you can download movie


broadband internet access at home

Friday, May 20, 2005

Saturday, May 14, 2005

nootropil syrup

Nootropil(piracetam) can be used to treat dyslexic children.

well, the 20% notropil (cost RM80) 4mls twice a day can be used to treat cognitive impairment in children

study from Van Hout % Giurgea concluded that " nootropil (piracetam) may also have a specific effect on some separate circuits of the left hemisphere and especially those functional aspects implied in reading and verbal memory"

So, gonna try it?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

sexual abuse

Have u ever thought of seeing a 7 year old girl with possible sexual abuse.

i have seen one today.

How would you voice this possibility to the parents?

What is the ethical issue and implications involved?

This are the few important question needed to be answered.

Signs of sexual abuse in children

1. repeated episode of urinary tract infections.

2. introitus gaping on abducting the thing.

3. unreasonal sexual acts.

4. rounded hymen. examined for old tear. etc.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


polio and BMW 3 series

“Well, just heard the medical news that the polio virus had attacked Indonesia Java.

The polio was last heard in Nigeria 2003 and now it is seen in Indonesia.

The 18month old baby had been paralysed due to that.”

In fact, I am using injectable polio vaccine now adays.

Also test drive a new BMW 3 series , it is a new experience in driving. May be I will get one soon.

May my wish come true.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Children with high feve

Rule no 1: Don't be panic

Rule no 2: Treat fever with syrup paracetmol 15mg/kg/dose

Rule no 3: If within one hour fever still spiking, >38oC, I would recommend voren suppository according to body weight.

Cataflam oral drops (weight /4) drops 6 – 8 hourly is equally effective,

Rule no 4: Tepid sponging using towel and cold water.
Wear thin shirts (not long sleeves).

In the event if the first antibiotics is not working, for example, rocephin (50mg/kg/dose), and it had been used for 2 days, the child still having fever, do consider possibility of resistance, (beta lactamases inhibitor ).

I would recommend switching to IV sulperazone or iv Tienam.

Friday, April 29, 2005

hairloss?? too much thinking?

acute sinusitis in 5 year old kid

A 5 year old child presenting with blocked nose, high fever on and off x 5 days. Tenderness over the maxillary region.

Clinically mouth breather, febrile and mildly dehydrated, lips were dry.

X ray of paranasal sinus, OM view and lateral showed opacities over the left maxillary sinus.

Treatment consisted iv zinacef (100mg/kg/day tds) drips for dehydration, syrup paracetamol and nasal decongestion along with zyrtec oral drops 5mg bd (10drops) bd.

The child made rapid recovery and was afebrile the next day.
Nasal congestion improved and the child was able to breath more freely through the nose

Thursday, April 28, 2005

foregin body aspiration in 9 month old baby


haermorrhagic disease of newborn


a 1 month old baby who was just received her second dose of hepatitis B vaccination, developed fever and subsequently left sided fit.

She was treated with loading dose of iv phenytoin 20mg/kg and subsequently on maintainace dose of iv phenytoin 5mg/kg/dose,

iv drips 2/3 maintainace

iv claforan (200mg/kg/day QID) and iv acyclovir 10mg/kg/dose started.

vit K 1mg was given at birth,

CSF only RBC 10x 10^6/L.
Otherwise no organism seen, preliminary culture negative.

the CT scan showed a small bleed at the right interhemispheric region

the fit was well controlled after that.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

medical error

got this from my mail box today.

It's every patient's worst nightmare. And every word of it is true.

Sixty-seven-year-old Joan Morris lay sleeping in her hospital bed,
recovering from brain surgery at one of the nation's most prestigious
academic medical centers. One floor below her, 77-year-old Jane Morrison
was also asleep, awaiting an invasive, somewhat risky cardiac procedure,
in which the heart is deliberately stopped and re-started.

By 9 a.m., due to 17 separate errors on the part of the medical staff,
Morris was the one on the operating table with a catheter in her heart
while Morrison, the intended patient, was still sleeping in her room.

So begins Chapter 1 of "Internal Bleeding; The Truth Behind America's
Terrifying Epidemic of Medical Mistakes," by doctors Robert M. Wachter and
Kaveh Shojania (Ruggedland publishing; 2004). Through gripping
storytelling and painstaking investigation, the book details the
circumstances behind 20 serious medical mistakes at U.S. hospitals,
getting to the heart of just why they happened, and offering some detailed
solutions on how to prevent more. Wachter's conclusion, after a year of
touring the country hearing from doctors and hospital administrators who
have read his book:

Mistakes are even more common than people think, and there is much work to
be done to quell the "epidemic."

"They say they've had every single one of the errors reported in the book,"
says Wachter, who will visit Boulder Tuesday to present a public lecture
on medical errors. "They are so incredibly ubiquitous."

Wachter became interested in the subject after the publication of the now-
famous 1999 Institute of Medicine report declaring that as many as 98,000
American hospital patients die annually due to medical mistakes. As a
physician at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center,
ranked one of the top 10 hospitals in the country, Wachter was no stranger
to those mistakes, and he believed they often had more to do with a
complete "systems failure" than the human failing of one individual.

"It struck me that too many patients were being harmed or dying even in
excellent hospitals," he says. "It became clear to me that we were not
approaching the problem the right way."

In writing the book, Wachter interviewed doctors, nurses and medical staff,
and pored over paperwork to dissect, down to the most minute detail, how
mistakes were made. Some accounts use real names of patients and
facilities; others omit them for privacy reasons. Among those discussed:

Willie King, a 51-year-old father of three from Tampa Florida went into
the hospital to have his right leg amputated due to complications from
diabetes. Doctors amputated his left.

Jesica Santillan, 17, died in 2003 at Duke Medical Center after receiving
a heart-lung transplant of the wrong blood type.

A 68-year-old woman was recovering nicely from elective cardiac bypass
surgery when she unexpectedly had a grand mal seizure, lapsed into a coma,
and died. It turned out the ICU nurse, instead of flushing the woman's IV
line with the blood-thinner Heparin, had given her a fatal dose of insulin.

A Texas man, whose doctor intended to prescribe 120 tablets of the heart
medication Isordil, instead received the much more powerful drug Plendil.
He suffered a massive heart attack and died.

After repeatedly setting off the metal detector while trying to board an
airplane, a woman returned to the hospital where she had recently had
stomach surgery to discover doctors had left a crowbar sized metal
instrument inside her.

Horrifying as such cases are, they can not be solved with the instinctive
act of blaming one person and firing them, Wachter says. Instead, in an
age when equipment, medication options, and staff structure is more
complex than ever, errors are almost to be expected, so stop-gaps must be
put in place to catch them before they do harm.

"Complexity has outstripped the ability of even incredibly bright, hard-
working, compassionate people to get it right all the time," he says.

The biggest challenge now, Wachter says, is "changing the culture" of
medicine, to make it easier for a receptionist or an orderly, for instance,
to speak up and tell a doctor when they believe they are making a mistake.
And for them to feel comfortable reporting even near-misses so that
systemic changes can be made to assure the mistake doesn't happen again.

Have things improved since the 1999 report? "I think we are doing a little
better," Wachter says. "Certainly we think about it and focus on it and
talk about it more than we once did." But no follow-up study has been done
so its hard to know for sure.

One thing he does know:

"We are still harming and killing too many people."

well, my personal experience is that
1. wrong medications being given,
2. baby swapping
3. needle in the baby back
4. skull fracture in new books

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

crystal believe



要說到水晶的靈性及特殊的感應能力,絕對不能忘記及忽略最重要的氣輪系統(Chakra System)。氣輪系統在印度瑜珈和其他文化中廣為人知。其中主要包含了色彩、礦石和聲音等方式來促進一個人的成長或調整一個人的失衡。中國古代認為人體經脈有輪,透過運氣、冥想、打坐便可打通脈輪(任督二脈),讓能量(內氣)得以在體內順利循環流動,對健康、運勢、智慧甚有助益。古代太極武學中,甚至有可以透過運氣讓能量(氣流)經過身體經脈,即可得知自己身體內部的健康好壞。而數個世紀以來,中國傳統針灸經由把脈了解體內器官的狀況。利用脈搏所提供的訊息了解疾病產生時該如何平衡一個人的能量,並由穴道針灸治療,打通身體全部能量的流暢。。



回歸正題,古時對人體有多少脈輪卻無一定的定案,但既然七輪是現在的主流(另外有十二輪、六輪等等學說),我想我們就以七輪為主來講起好了。七輪即是頂輪、眉輪、喉輪、心輪、太陽輪、腹輪及底輪。七輪學說一直到前蘇俄時代,科學家Kirlian克里安使用High Voltage (高電壓)攝影技術,拍攝出不論動物或植物,都有一層似霧的光包圍,而且不同的人也有不同顏色的光。他發明的相機稱為Kirlian Camera克里安照相機,也是現代氣場分析儀的始祖。後來曾於太空總署工作的美國科學家Barbara Ann Brennan,寫成Hands of Light 這部經典著作,她長時間研究人體氣場的頻率,把人體能量分為七層,確立了古人的七輪學說。書中把七層能量分別稱為:


(1) The Etheric Body 乙太體



(2) The Emotional Body情緒體



(3) The Mental Body理智體



(4) The Astral Body星光體



(5) The Etheric Template Level以太模板體



(6) The Celestial Body精妙體



(7) The Causal Body因果體



到近年,有鑑於Kirlian Camera只能拍攝到The Etheric Body一個能量層、距離遠近會影響拍攝效果等缺點,所以Aura Spectro-Photo-Meter (氣場分析儀)便應運而生。它能完整地拍出人體的氣場,原理是以手掌反射區之能量為基礎,測讀人體各能量層的數據,再由電腦分析數據後斷定各能量層之顏色及光暗。透過這些照片,我們能根據氣場之顏色光暗了解個人健康情況、性格、甚至推測運勢。




























































































Monday, April 11, 2005

Saturday, April 09, 2005


how many species of heliconia ??