Wednesday, May 23, 2007


new leukemic patient
8 year old girl, presented with one week history of fever, pallor and easy bruising.
Hb 6.2g/L, total white count 30x10^9/L, platelet 16 x 10^9/L.
liver 2cm, shotty cervical lymph nodes, no gum hypertrophy.

Blasts cell seen from peripheral blood film.

clinical diagnosis: ALL.

refer to oncology centre

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Nurses day

my ward nurses reminded me today is nurses day. asked them what they want.

Well, they requested secret recipe cakes + pizza hut..

treat them pizza + a secret recipe cakes. The cake cost me RM130, Pizza RM133.20.

rather expensive.

once a year event

Friday, May 11, 2007

leukaemic patient that refused treatment

newly diagnosed in 31/1/2007 at a local university hospital. stayed one week at hospital as preparation for chemotherapy. Somehow the child was very apprehensive/afraid of needle. I think must be needle phobia.

Then the parents made decision to bring her back without chemotherapy.

presented to me 1 months later with extreme pallor. advised again by so many people for chemotherapy. yet parents still refused.
all they want is to blood transfusion and then discharged.

true enough to my prediction. they came in again in another months time. extreme pallor, with lots of bruises. transfused blood again. being told that their illness is very critical.

White cell count of 173 x 10^9/L.

Discharged after blood transfusion.

readmitted one week later with sudden loss of consciousness. collapsed at home.

sent to ICU one day. died after 8 hours of admission.

parents said i want chemotherapy now......


one patient with 3 episodes of fitting. came to me.

A CT brain was done, it showed a small 1cm x 0.5cm at frontal cortex. subsequently radiologist reported as a small meningioma over the left frontal cortex.

Urgent referral was made to Mahkota Medical Centre. No such brain lesion was noted from the 2nd scan.

Patient's father called and said why i told him that there is a brain tumour. Since the radiological report say so, i have to tell them such thing.

Any discrepancy have to be born by the respective radiological doctor. and not me.


Friday, April 13, 2007

premature baby twin

32 weeker premature baby were delivered via LSCS.
1st twin at 1.97Kg, 2nd twin 2.07kg. Apgar score for both were 9 at 1 minutes and 10 at 5 minutes.
both require minimum oxygen.

feeding were stepped up slowly. eventually touching full feeding at day 5.

sucking reflex establised at day 6.

discharged at day 7 of life.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The World's Fourth Smallest Baby Born in Miami

Miami, FL) - A child believed to be the most premature baby ever to survive is expected to go home from the hospital Tuesday.Amillia Taylor was born only 21 weeks and six days into her mother's pregnancy.She has spent nearly four months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Baptist Children's Hospital in Miami.Amillia overcame a number of problems ranging from under-developed lungs to lacerations on her skin. Her caregivers call her a miracle baby.She also happens to be the world's fourth smallest baby, weighing just under 10 ounces.


Monday, February 19, 2007

new year still working

hope to wish all of you here Happy chinese new year

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

one 1 year + child presented with prolong fever for more than 1 month. Developed maculopapular rash over the neck, trunk. Diagnosed as JCA by my Professor.

I have high regard to my former teacher and he taught me to be through in my work as a professional.

thank you